We have spent the last three years building a near-perfect acoustically treated room for Machine Gun Monkey. Well, there is no such thing as an acoustically perfect room, but there is a thing damn close to it. For all audio-related productions, the most important thing is your monitors and your room. Without an acoustically neutral room, you won't hear what your tools actually are doing. We have all tried taking our latest killer track from the bedroom, where it sounded terrific, to the club where it was far from doing what you had expected.

At Machine Gun Monkey's studio, we are specialized in electronic music. If you need help getting your production the last 20% ready. Drop by and we will help you. The same goes for co-productions. You might have an excellent production, the melodies, and the groove is all there. But you are struggling with keeping excitement throughout the arrangement. Let us help you. We also do tracking of vocals as well as mixing. Feel free to contact me with any studio-related needs you might have. I'm here to help you. Prizes can vary from project to project so get in touch.